Thursday, January 31, 2013


          As a future Secondary Education/English teacher, I am interested in one of the largest problems in both English and Education, which is, censorship.

  • How do teachers deal with banned books or censorship challenges?
  • Is it possible to teach a banned book?  What are the consequences?
  • Is there a way to un-ban a book?
  • What happens if a student is reading a banned book?
  • What if a student brings up a banned book in class?
  • Is there a safe way to talk about censorship?
Some of these questions are easy to answer, but others require a bit of research.  I would love to ask teachers and librarians (both school and public) how censorship has impacted their career.  Censorship can easily cause a teacher to lose their jobs, which is one of the reasons it is so important to me.  I feel like high-schoolers should be able to have mature discussions about censorship and be able to read the banned books and understand why some people may be offended by them.